Hi Katie, I found you via Blotanical. I like your strange plants :-) I have two cuttings of Sweetheart Hoya and rooting now. I find your interest on strange plants very unique. Happy gardening and knowing other gardeners in Blotanical!
Hey, I, too, found you on Blotanical! And love unusual flora. Just left you a message there. Glad to connect, Alice
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When I'm not tending my own plants, I'm most likely talking about plants, shopping for plants, going to orchid shows, lurking around gardening forums and taking pictures of plants. Obsessed much? Nawww........
May 14, 2009 at 2:32 AM
Hi Katie, I found you via Blotanical. I like your strange plants :-) I have two cuttings of Sweetheart Hoya and rooting now. I find your interest on strange plants very unique. Happy gardening and knowing other gardeners in Blotanical!
Alice Joyce
May 14, 2009 at 12:09 PM
Hey, I, too, found you on Blotanical! And love unusual flora. Just left you a message there. Glad to connect, Alice